24 Maple Road - Chelmsford, MA 01824
Mon - sat 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Sun 10:00AM - 4:00Pm
Lawn, Garden, Farm, Wild Bird & Premium Pet Food
Maxwell’s was formerly known as Chelmsford Agway until April 2019 when the name was changed. It is still the same owners and friendly, knowledgeable staff and we still offer all of the Agway products you know and trust. Many customers had assumed we were part of a corporation or franchise. We changed the name to bring awareness to what we really are - an independent, locally owned, vibrant, small business. We have a long history of serving Chelmsford and the surrounding communities with quality products, great advice for your lawn, garden and pet needs as well as excellent customer service - and we plan on keeping it that way for a long time!
Take a virtual tour of our store with the video below, courtesy of Tom Christiano of Chelmsford.
lawn & Garden supplies
wild bird seed & supplies
farm feed & supplies
premium pet food & supplies
chicken & RABBIT supplies
bee-keeping supplies
mulch & bulk products
Please provide delivery placement instructions for your mulch or stone order: