March 2nd - The Farmers Market Is Extended!🎉

You asked, and we listened - you want the market to continue for a few more weeks! Our greenhouse is currently being filled with all the supplies you need for your lawn & garden (grass seed, garden tools, and fertilizer for lawns and gardens) so the market will continue outside. Every Saturday in March you will see four or five vendors in our parking lot. Please see each vendor's description below for any preorder requirements and hours and don’t forget to shop inside at Maxwell’s! Your support of our store helps the farmers market to continue.

Vendors attending March 2nd:

EMPANADA DADA: 10:00-1:00  Empanadas: beef, chicken, pork, spinach, guava & cream cheese, chili chickpea, and more - menu varies each week. No preordering is required - just bring your appetite!

TOTALLY NUTZ: 10:00-1:00  Freshly roasted cinnamon glazed almonds, cashews, and pecans. No preordering is required. 

SEAFOOD EXPRESS: 10:00-11:30 Fresh, local seafood and chowder from a family-run business. You can place your preorder here. They will also have a limited amount of fresh seafood available for sale if you did not preorder.

PURPLE CARROT BREAD CO.: 10:00-11:30  Place a preorder for pickup at Maxwell's. You can choose any bread and pastries from their menu here, and any size of their Take & Bake meals here. Orders must be placed by 5:00 on Thursday by calling 978-455-4188. They will take orders even if it is just for one loaf of bread or one take & bake meal -there is no minimum order amount required. Please note they will bring a very limited amount of take & bake meals if you did not preorder. 

UNCLE JOEY’S CANNOLI: 10:00-1:00  This week only will Uncle Joey’s Cannoli be here at Maxwell’s with their fresh-filled cannoli in a variety of flavors and cannoli chips & dip.